Here's what I have to show for it: some significant progress on Tree # 7.
Here are some strategies that have been helpful for me in increasing my quilting time:
1. I start by setting the kitchen timer, usually for an hour. This way I stay focused and productive until the timer goes off, so I don't wander off and check Facebook. When the timer goes off, I either take a break or set it again.
2. I sometimes listen to audiobooks or music to stay motivated.
3. I record the total time I quilt each day on my calendar.
4. I made a quick graph of this info:
Here's what I noticed from the graph:
There's so much variability, with a peak of 4 hours of quilting (that was on a snow day when I didn't have to work). But there were 14 days with no quilting at all! For February, I'm setting a goal of 33 hours. I'll try to combat those 0 hour days by setting my alarm early and quilting before work.
I'm also experimenting with ways to make my quilting more efficient, so I get more done in the time available. That's a topic for another day.
What are your best tips for increasing quilting productivity?